Quotes Corner

September 14, 2018

Did Quotes Help You Get Where You Are?

By Jonathan Gabriel, VP of Student Outreach, FPRA Orlando Area Chapter

Jonathan Gabriel

Jonathan Gabriel

If you went to UCF and studied public relations, you likely were a part of Quotes. You’d be proud to see what our students are doing with it now.

In the past two years, the club has doubled its membership and been recognized at the state level. It’s been really exciting to see the chapter’s growth.

I was at our Quotes kickoff event this past month, gazing around the room and marveling at the many new faces I was able to pick out in the crowd. The kickoff always brings a packed house. Some students were already Ad/PR majors, while others were still contemplating whether the program was right for them.

This is a moment in time that’s ripe with possibility for them. But often it’s hard for them to see clearly what lies ahead. You could be the voice that affirms that the path they’re on is a solid choice.

Our Quotes student executive board wants to hear from you. They’re putting together short videos, no more than a minute in length, in the weeks leading up to Intern Pursuit in October. These videos will feature local PR pros, like you, talking about how being a part of Quotes helped them get where they are today.

Perhaps you met your future employer on a tour. Maybe you served on the Quotes board, or got your first internship opportunity at Intern Pursuit.

If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to me at jonathan.gabriel@ucf.edu.

Oh, one more thing – Intern Pursuit is October 11 at UCF’s Pegasus Ballroom. This is a great opportunity to look for that next stellar intern who can help your organization. Click here to register now.

Member PRofile: Maya Givon

September 14, 2018

Maya Givon
Reputation & Social Specialist, Adventist Health System

Give a brief explanation of your job.
As a reputation and social specialist, I work with my team to monitor our brand online. Together, we work to identify and respond to any positive or negative sentiment we find in the digital space that surrounds our brand. We not only work to mitigate any crises that may surface online, but also identify brand trends of negative sentiment and work with internal teams throughout the organization to rectify those issues.

How long have you been a member of FPRA and why did you join?
I’ve been an FPRA member for about a year now and joined because I saw the benefit of being a member as a student who attended only a few events. So far, I’ve been able to connect and learn from so many different skilled professionals and am excited to continue to grow that network.

What has been your favorite FPRA event so far?
My favorite would have to be the Sip & Savor event that took place in May 2016. I attended as a student to complete an assignment for school and ended up meeting seven incredibly talented and knowledgeable individuals that made up the CCH Marketing team. After staying in touch with CCH, I found myself interning and then working full-time for the team.

Tell us about an exciting achievement (personal or professional).
After taking the Public Relations Certification course at the University of Central Florida, I was able to pass the Public Relations Certification exam last April.

What was your first job?
My first job was as an account coordinator at CCH Marketing where I helped manage the blog and social media for a healthcare client.

Fun fact:
I love being handy and challenging myself to learn new everyday skills. So if anyone ever needs help putting together something from IKEA or hanging a shelf on a wall, just let me know!

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