FPRA Membership Scholarship Available

September 14, 2015

FPRA OrlFPRA Membership Scholarship Available – Apply Now!

Do you know someone interested in joining FPRA who may find the cost to be a challenge? Are you interested in renewing but your employer is unable to cover your dues this year?

We are currently offering one membership scholarship to a renewing chapter member. Click here for more information or to apply.

The deadline to apply is Friday, October 16. For more information, contact Julie Hall, APR and Susan Vernon-Devlin.

2015 Board Installation & Award Recognition

September 10, 2015

By: Gabriel F. Soltren

FPRA Board Induction 08_27_2015

The 2015 – 2016 Board of Directors at the Installation Breakfast.

Kerry Martin

Kerry Martin, APR

Immediate Past President Kerry Martin, APR addressed members of the Orlando Area Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association at the 2015 Board Installation & Award Recognition event held at Artisan’s Table Restaurant in Downtown Orlando. Kerry thanked outgoing members for their service.

Kerry recognized award winners including Julie Hall, APR, the 2015 Bob Davis Award winner. “Julie Hall, APR is a rising leader, and she strives for the best in all she does,” said Martin.

Julie Hall, APR

Julie Hall, APR

The Bob Davis Award is presented annually to an individual for his or her “behind the scenes” volunteer efforts that go largely unnoticed by chapter members and are not recognized by other awards programs. The award is named in honor of Bob Davis, Ph.D., ABC, APR, CPRC, a former professor and mentor from the University of Central Florida who gave tirelessly to FPRA and the profession for three decades.

Jeff Marshall

Jeff Marshall, APR

Jeff Marshall was named as the 2014 FPRA-Orlando Member of the Year. In 2015, Marshall served as Vice President of Image Awards while earning his APR Certification.

The Member of the Year Award recognizes one member of the Orlando Area Chapter who has made a significant contribution to the Association through outstanding leadership, demonstrated enthusiasm, extraordinary involvement and loyal support.

Lisa Malone

Lisa Malone, APR, CPRC

Lisa Malone, APR, CPRC Instructor at the Nicholson School of Communication at the University of Central Florida, was the guest speaker at our August chapter breakfast. She spoke about leadership in the field of public relations.

Malone’s experience in public affairs includes 30 years in the space industry at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Malone explained that professionals in public affairs in government cannot lobby and advertise, but they can inform and educate.

“Photography is an important component of public relations,” Malone said. She shared space program photographs from the Kennedy Space Center, the International Space Station, the Hubble Space Telescope and from the 9 year New Horizons flight to Pluto.

Lisa Malone 08_27_2015

Lisa Malone, APR, CPRC Instructor at the Nicholson School of Communication at the University of Central Florida.

She spoke to FPRA members about crisis communications and the Challenger and Colombia space shuttles. After the crisis, the media came after NASA and wanted answers right away. “It would be great if you did not have to sleep,” said Malone. “You have to feed the beast.” Malone recommended providing officials with hot topics and issues to have them ready to for media questions.

Malone encouraged leaders to embrace new technology and continue learning how to tell better stories. For example, Malone learned about rocket science from engineers at NASA. The space program is evolving and working with commercial partners Boeing and Space X.

As FPRA Counselors’ Network Chair, she encouraged FPRA members to create lasting relationships at meetings and conferences.

Laura Kern

Laura Kern, APR

Kerry Martin, APR introduced Florida Public Relations Association State President, Roger Pynn, APR, CPRC. “The empahsis this year is in leadership,” said Pynn.

Pynn presided over the induction ceremony for new FPRA Orlando president Laura Kern, APR and the 2015-2016 Board of Directors.

For a list of current board members, click here.

2015 Board Installation Photographs

2015 Board Installation Breakfast

Intern Pursuit | October 20, 2015

September 10, 2015

Intern Pursuit

The FPRA student chapter – Quotes, the PR Club at UCF formally invites you to Intern Pursuit on October 20th at the University of Central Florida.

The bi-annual internship fair, unique to students in communication-related fields of study, is from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Pegasus Ballroom of the Student Union.

Intern Pursuit has been highly successful in providing great interns to employers like you in the past. This opportunity to meet with over 200 students and find an intern is a truly unique one as we strive to give students a chance to apply what they’ve learned in classes and learn from professionals like you. Some students also come with a wealth of experience from other internships they’ve gotten through past Intern Pursuits.

If you’re interested in being an employer at this event please fill out the application here.

Feel free to share this information with other professionals in need of interns! Should you have any questions please email me at quotesevents@gmail.com.

I look forward to seeing you at #IP2015!

#IP2015 is October 20th. Save the date!

Thanks so much for your time!

Javon Scott

Javon Scott / Director of Events
(904) 887-4090
Quotes, the PR Club at UCF

Member PRofile: Maria Isabel Sanquírico

September 10, 2015

Maria Isabel

What is your job title?
President and Founder of Eleven 11 Communications (Circa 2011)

Tell us about your job.
As a small business owner I have many hats to wear. My daily responsibilities range from following up with clients and monitoring projects to overseeing the stability and growth of the company. Because of our media background, I am a former news anchor and magazine editor and my colleague is a former Miami Herald and NBC network journalist, we receive a lot of media relations requests. We also generate lots of content for websites and publications on behalf of our clients. Among them, two quarterly magazines -one for a client on the field of education, another for a legal client- which we manage, develop content for, edit and layout.

What makes Eleven unique is the fact that we know how to communicate effectively with Hispanics, soon to be the largest minority in the United States. It goes beyond speaking the language, although we do. There needs to be sensitivity toward the differences between different groups as well as an understanding of cultural nuances.

How long have you been in FPRA? Why did you join?
I joined the local chapter two years ago because I saw it as an opportunity to expand my network and to learn more about our craft.

What’s your favorite FPRA event?
Professional Development, listening to the behind the scenes of the campaigns makes me feel validated, that I am not alone in this journey.

Tell us an exciting achievement.
The Today Show picked up one of my client’s stories.

What was your very first job?
My first professional job after school was working in Public Relations for the Miss Universe Puerto Rico organization. I learned a lot, especially how to make sure that your bathing suit stays in place (spray glue).

Share a fun fact that people may not know about you.
Working out is a priority to me. I workout at least four times per week, but not because I love it, but because my real weakness is Nutella. I can eat a whole jar in 24 hours.

Contact info:

Quotes Corner

September 8, 2015

Javon ScottLeap of Faith: Planning my First Event

By: Javon Scott
Quotes Director of Events

If someone invited you to go swimming with sharks, would you go? If you were offered a top corporate position in a field that was unfamiliar to you, would you accept the job? Whether it’s a fear of heights, a fear of the dark, or a fear of public speaking, we have all experienced some type of fear. Perhaps the biggest fear for many of us, myself included, is a fear of failure. If we never try, how will we know the outcome? So many people worry about what will happen if they fail, that they lose sight of what could happen if they succeed.

When you’re going into the unknown you always have a variety of mixed feelings. As I’m adding one thing to my resume, I’m also adding a sense of reality that everything you do in life won’t keep you in your comfort zone. As the Director of Events for Quotes, the PR Club at UCF, I’m responsible for planning the club’s biggest event of the year, Intern Pursuit.

Never in my life did I think that I would be planning a large scaled event that brings out about one hundred employers and even more students. Anxiety can take over sometimes and you get thoughts of doubt as if you can’t accomplish your dreams. Though I am stepping out on something I’ve never done, I trust myself and the other board members to not let this event fail. Sometimes you may feel unqualified and ask yourself “why’d they choose me?” or “why would someone put me in this position?” The best thing to do is take a leap of faith and just go with the flow. You’re in the position you’re in for a reason.

I believe that I have been put into this position not only to grow as a young professional, but to also help other students reach the next level. As a former Quotes member who attended Intern Pursuit last year, I have been able to experience hands on the joy of receiving the business card that gets you the interview.

Intern Pursuit 2015

Intern Pursuit will take place this October 20 in the Pegasus Ballroom at 6:00pm. Last year we had one of the most successful Intern Pursuit events in Quotes history, with over 100 registered employers to attend, and over 250 students searching for internships. It is my goal to not only surpass these numbers, but to also lead my team in a way that brings the credibility of Quotes and the FPRA Orlando Chapter to a higher, elite standard, reaching students and increasing our student membership. Wish me luck! I hope to make this prestigious and successful chapter of professionals proud.